Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Minimal 2.0 dark theme for win10 1709

Minimal 2.0 dark  theme for windows 10 (1709)  aka  fall creators update.

* Compatible for both x86 & x64 system (aero mode only) 

* Package included 7 visual styles  , readme file how to install image.

* first you need to install ultra ux theme patcher for 1709 or ux style as per x64 or x86 your requirement.  i use this :-   link

* copy & past both theme file  from  theme folder to c:\windows\resourses\themes

* install old new explorer.
* go to personalization & set the theme Minimal dark v1......v7..

Buy at 3.50 $


  1. Dear, i m a poor boy so how can i get something free or other free dark theme which is free

  2. hello, I bought the theme but it was not correct, it is blank the view of tasks, I can help
