Sunday, February 15, 2015

Minimal inspiration

*updated at 25 feb 2015

* Minimal inspiration a visual style for windows 8/8.1

* Compatible for both x86 & x64 system (aero mode)

* Package included  13 visual styles ,  readme file.

* first you need to install ultra ux theme patcher as per x64 or x86 your requirement.    :-


* you can also use uxstyle for to use custome theme

* copy & past both them file  from theme folder to c:\windows\resourses\themes

* u need to use ribbon disabler app to disable  ribbon :-

* install old new explorer included in the package while installing old new explorer don't tic on
use details pane

* I use aero glass to get aero back in win 8 install proper version of aero glass as per your system requirement

* I use startIsback + for startmenue

* go to personalization set a  theme

* use start orb from start orb folder

* enjoy..........

Note :- there are two versions of this theme white & dark 

you can buy this theme  by clicking on belows button  u can make payment from any card   , Download starts quickly when u make payment, . buy Mi at 3.50 $...... for Indian customers who wants to buy in INR ruppes can contact me by commenting on post  



Buy Minimal inspiration at 3.50 $



  1. Hello. All very beautiful. And icons can not be download?
    Thank you.

    1. download from :
