Monday, October 1, 2012

Prince of persai 4 theme (with sound schemes)

 Prince of persai 4 theme for windows 7 x64 & x86 By swapnil 36fg

* package included visual styles , fonts, startorb & navbuttons.

*  install ux theme patcher as per x64 or x86 your requirment.

*  copy & past all fonts from fonts folder to c:\\ windows\fonts\

*  copy & past both thm file  from theme folder to c:\windows\resourses\themes

*  use start orb changer for startorbs

*  USE windows 7 navigation button coustomizers for nav button

*  use black glass enhanced for full transperancy....

* Note :- After you make a payment downloading will automatically starts.                                 
                                                 Buy this theme at 3.50 $



  1. hii i cudnt chg it bcuz its all black @_@

  2. hello my friend lease tell me full process of installing this theme and all download links on my mail id

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
