Thursday, June 18, 2015

MI 1.0

* MI theme for windows 8/8.1

* Compatible for both x86 & x64 system (aero mode only)

* Package included 2 visual styles , readme file.

* first you need to install ultra ux theme patcher or ux style as per x64 or x86 your requirement.    :-

* copy & past both thm file  from theme v1 & theme v2  folder to c:\windows\resourses\themes

* u need to use ribbon disabler app to disable  ribbon :-

* install old new explorer in old new explorer while installing don't tic on details pane but u need to tik on status bar

* I use aero glass to get aero back  (install aero glass as per your requirments)

* I use startIsback+ for startmenue (8.1 users startmenu is only work when u install startisback+)

* go to personalization & set the theme